GUELL, XAVIER GUSTAVO GILI ART Ref. 9788425218705 Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    A new edition in a more manageable pocket-sized format, with new colour photos and updated practical information, of the guide to the work of Antoni Gaudí published by Gustavo Gili in 1990. This guide offers an exhaustive tour of the buildings the architect created in Barcelona, without forgetting (...
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    • Encuadernació : MobilPocket

    A new edition in a more manageable pocket-sized format, with new colour photos and updated practical information, of the guide to the work of Antoni Gaudí published by Gustavo Gili in 1990. This guide offers an exhaustive tour of the buildings the architect created in Barcelona, without forgetting (in a final appendix) those he built in Castille, Cantabria and the Balearic Islands. The description of each building is highly detailed and provides ample documentation, both architectural (ground plans, cross-sections and elevations) and photographic, with views of the interiors and details like ironwork, furniture and mosaics, which illustrate the idea of the "total work of art" typical of his oeuvre.

    Antoni Gaudí was an all-round architect whose works were personal and unique, as well as being highly distinctive. Since his death he has greatly influenced other architects, both in Catalonia and beyond. This is the only currently available guide to Gaudí's architecture. It provides a thorough tour of the architect's buildings in Barcelona, and also includes a final appendix dealing with his works in Castille, Cantabria and the Balearic Islands. There is a detailed description of each building, with architectural information (ground plans, cross-sections and elevations) and photographs (views of the interiors and the details like the ironwork, furniture and mosaics that Gaudí produced for his works, in keeping with his idea of the 'total work of art').

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