TERRY JONES - MICHAEL FOREMAN PENGUIN Ref. 9781843651628 Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    Product SynopsisThis amazing collection of stories, written by the hilarious Terry Jones and illustrated by Michael Foreman, will have both children and parents rolling with laughter. Meet a man who has eyes all over his body and sees everything but what is most important, a boy who is the best tick...
    Pes: 250 gr
    Disponible en breu
    15,40 €
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    Product Synopsis

    This amazing collection of stories, written by the hilarious Terry Jones and illustrated by Michael Foreman, will have both children and parents rolling with laughter. Meet a man who has eyes all over his body and sees everything but what is most important, a boy who is the best tickler in all of the land and a gigantic ogre, where the only thing bigger than him is his idiocy. * A fabulous new edition of the classic story collection from Monty Python's Terry Jones. Published alongside an entirely new collection of tales * Amazing marketing and publicity schedule, including an author tour, festival appearances, readings on the Monty Python's YouTube channel (which has over 125,000 subscribers) and newspaper and magazine features * Illustrated by favourite award-winning illustrator Michael Foreman * Stunning new hardback editions that children will treasure Other titles in the series: Fairy Tales and Animal Tales.

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